Bank charges
In pursuant to Section 167 of the Banking and Financial Services Act, No.7of2017 (BFSA), the bank of zambia issued a Directive on the Prohibition of Unwarrented Charges and Fees to all financial services providers.
The said Directives came into effect on September 4. 2018 through Government Gazette Number 6693.
The Bank of Zambia is charged with the responsibility of ensuring sound business practices and providing consumer protection in the financial sector by the provisions of the BFSA.
The Bank of Zambia has determined that the imposition of unwarranted charges and fees on the members of the public is an affront to the rights of the consumers of financial services and that this undermines progress towards financial inclusion in the country
A copy of the public notice with regards to unwarranted charges and fees can be accessed, here.
Notice: Interest Rates and Bank Charges as at March, 2024ConsolidatedBankChargesPublicationMarch2024.pdf
Notice: Interest Rates and Bank Charges as at September, 2023ConsolidatedBankChargesPublicationSeptember2023.pdf
Notice: Interest Rates and Bank Charges as at March, 2023ConsolidatedBankChargesPublicationMarch2023.pdf
Notice: Interest Rates and Bank Charges as at December, 2022InterestRatesandBankChargesPublicationDecember2022.pdf
Notice: Interest Rates and Bank Charges as at September, 2022ConsolidatedBankChargesPublicationSeptember2022.pdf
Notice: Interest Rates and Bank Charges as at June, 2022June2022BankCharges.pdf
Notice: Interest Rates and Bank Charges as at September, 2021September2021BankCharges.pdf
Notice: Interest Rates and Bank Charges as at June, 2021June2021BankCharges.pdf
Notice: Interest Rates and Bank Charges as at March, 2021March2021BankCharges.pdf
Notice: Interest Rates and Bank Charges as at December, 2020December2020Publication.pdf
Notice: Interest Rates and Bank Charges as at September, 2020PublicationSeptember2020Q3.pdf
Notice: Interest Rates and Bank Charges as at June, 2020CopyofJunePublication2020.pdf
Notice: Interest Rates and Bank Charges as at March, 2020MarchPublication.pdf
Notice: Interest Rates and Bank Charges as at December, 2019ConsolidatedBankChargesPublicationDecember2019.pdf
Notice: Interest Rates and Bank Charges as at June, 2019